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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In spite of our best intentions....

Sometimes we just fall behind!!

And boy, did I fall behind. Life frequently conspires against us in accomplishing all we want to do. I doubt I'll be able to go back to daily posting for a while. The best way to explain my absence is simply say, "Man plans, God laughs."

I hope everyone hasn't given up on me. It's good to be back!


rhapsodyinbooks said...

Welcome back! Great picture!

Unknown said...

I'm still here. Welcome back.

CJ said...

Didn't give up but I was wondering and maybe worrying a little so it's good to have you back!

The photo is great!


Lisa said...

Love the picture! I totally feel like that some days (weeks, months...)!

bermudaonion said...

I hope everything's okay! Take care of yourself.

Kate said...

Welcome back! I left my blogger for a day (mistake), I'm now having to skip through some posts!

Emily said...

It's ok :)
I like that picture - glad my desk doesn't look that bad :) (hope yours doesn't either!)

Anonymous said...

Love your comment! I understand.

Luanne said...

Love the picture and know the feeling!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I'm here, I thought you were away on a long vacation...LOL,,,cute picture.