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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wow!! I'm a whole year old today!!

So, sing along......

Today's is my birthday...Happy Birthday to me......dum dee dum....okay, so I can't carry a tune!

My first blogging year is behind and I've had so much fun! I've met some wonderful people, talked with some spectacular authors, and enjoyed more than I can say this little peek into the publishing world!

Thanks to everyone who's ever read my blog! I hope I can get better and better, all you fellow book bloggers have set the bar pretty high, and I'm hoping I can get as good at this as all of you are!

Still singing......;o)Today is my birthday....Happy birthday to me....as I walk off into the morning sun......(with a couple of books under my arm...)

(Take a peek at my blog-o-versary giveaway by clicking HERE!)


Julie said...

Congratulations and Bonne Fete!

Passages to the Past said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!! Keep up the awesome blogging - you have an excellent site!

Raising my Sprite for many more years of The Novel Bookworm!!!

Nan said...

Congrats on a whole year!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Blogging Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary!! Hope the next year is excellent, too!

Toni said...

Happy Happy Day to you Congrats and GOOD JOB!!!!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

congrats and many many more happy blogging years :)

Ella Preuss said...

Happy Blog B-day!
I'm sure this new year will be more than great!
xo, Ella

Jenna said...

Congrats on a full year of blogging!

bermudaonion said...

Happy Blogiversary! We're almost the same age!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!!!!

Ashley said...

Congratulations on one year of blogging!

CJ said...

Congrats, Kelly, and many more, too!


Melanie said...

Congrats for a whole entire year! You have a great blog. :)

Linna said...

Congratulations!! Happy book blog birthday. Yeah! :D

Stephanie said...

And thanks to you for writing your blog!!

rscottnorman said...


Sandra said...

happy blog birthday! what ya get? ;)

Pissenlit said...

Happy blog birthday! *looks at clock* Er, Happy belated blog birthday!

DesLily said...

a very merry blog-birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy! :)

♔ jessica.marie said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! ^_^

Llehn said...

Congrats, Kelly! Woo hoo!

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

I'm a bit late but congrats! :D