Okay....trying to get caught up here. Last weekend we took down part of a wall, moved a bunch of electrical, rebuilt the ceiling soffit of the kitchen extending it about eight inches, tore out the pantry wall of cabinets, hooked up my oven outside under the patio deck, and intensified the chaos of the house.
Of course, its never as easy as it sounds. The electrical was all just 6 inches too short to move, so we had to make lots more holes in the ceiling to extend the wiring. I've got so much painting to do, and my DH has so much patching to do, it's nuts!
Here's more pics, taken after I had ripped off the sheetrock, but before the wall came down....
And here's some post- demo pics...the kitchen just looks purtier and purtier...don't it!!
And because every woman needs a pantry and a cabinet to keep our dishes and pots in...
Later...demo of the rest of the kitchen....stay tuned...feel my pain......*yikes.....
When do you think you'll be all through with it?
I can't wait to see it.
Actually, I'm quite envious. I hate my kitchen and I've been stuck with it for 17 years. Yurgh.
--the other "Bookfool" ;)
I remember when mine looked just like that a couple of years ago!
But before I knew it...just a few months longer than the estimate and more money than expected, it was done and lovely and you forget all about the chaos.
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