Mailbox Monday
Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia of The Printed Page. Check it out, and see what other readers are finding in their mailboxes! What books came into your home last week? I had a spectacular mailbox week!!
Intervention by Robin CookIt's been more than thirty years since New York City medical examiner Jack Stapleton's college graduation and almost as long since he'd been in touch with former classmates Shawn Doherty and Kevin Murray. Once a highly regarded ophthalmologist, Jack's career took a dramatic turn after a tragic accident that destroyed his family. But that, too, is very much in the past: Jack has remarried - to longtime colleague and fellow medical examiner Laurie Montgomery - and is the father of a young child. But his renegade, activist personality can't rest, and after performing a postmortem on a young college student who had recently been treated by a chiropractor, Jack decides to explore alternative medicine. What makes some people step outside the medical establishment to seek care from practitioners of Eastern philosophies and even faith healers?
Jack's classmate Shawn Doherty is now a renowned archeologist and biblical scholar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, whose taste for good wine and generally deteriorating health are taking a toll on his career. He has recently obtained permission for a final dig beneath Saint Peter's, and despite his long-standing grudge against the Catholic Church, begins his research - which eventually takes him to Jerusalem and Venice - only to make a startling discovery with ecclesiastical and medical implications. And when Kevin Murray, now Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, gets wind of Shawn's findings, he's desperate to keep them from the public. Kevin has strong political ambitions within the Church, but his association with Shawn threatens to undermine them. Kevin turns to his old friend Jack to help protect an explosive secret - one with the power to change lives forever.I am so excited about Intervention!! This is me...doin' the Snoopy Dance!! A huge thank you goes out to Putnam!
After by Amy EfawAn infant left in the trash to die. A teenage mother who never knew she was pregnant . . .
Before That Morning, these were the words most often used to describe straight-A student and star soccer player Devon Davenport: responsible, hardworking, mature. But all that changes when the police find Devon home sick from school as they investigate the case of an abandoned baby. Soon the connection is made—Devon has just given birth; the baby in the trash is hers. After That Morning, there’s only one way to define Devon: attempted murderer.
This looked really interesting to me, I can't wait to get into it!
Dexter by Design by Jeff LindsayAfter his surprisingly glorious honeymoon in Paris, life is almost normal for Dexter Morgan. Married life seems to agree with him: he’s devoted to his bride, his stomach is full, and his homicidal hobbies are nicely under control. But old habits die hard—and Dexter’s work as a blood spatter analyst never fails to offer new temptations that appeal to his offbeat sense of justice…and his Dark Passenger still waits to hunt with him in the moonlight.
The discovery of a corpse (artfully displayed as a sunbather relaxing on a Miami beach chair) naturally piques Dexter’s curiosity and Miami’s finest realize they’ve got a terrifying new serial killer on the loose. And Dexter, of course, is back in business.I'm a big Dexter fan! I can't wait to read this one! Thanks to those wonderful folks over at Doubleday!! (Yep, more Snoopy Dancing...)
Hush Hush by Becca FitzpatrickFor Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch came along.
With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment.
But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure who to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.
I have high hopes for this one! I'm hoping that I'll find a book that my Twilight loving kid and I can agree on! (i.e. less dopey and fluffy than Twilight...don't yell at me..but really...vampires that "sparkle???")
a Circle of Souls by Preetham GrandhiThe sleepy town of Newbie, Connecticut, is shocked when a little girl is found brutally murdered. With the murderer on the loose, the police desperately look for any clues to lead to his identity. Meanwhile, a psychiatrist in a nearby hospital is also in a desperate search to find the cause of seven-year-old Naya Hastings s devastating nightmares. Afraid that she might hurt herself in the midst of a torturous episode, Naya's parents have turned to the bright young doctor as their only hope. When these two situations converge, they set off an alarming chain of events. In this stunning psychological thriller, innocence gives way to evil, and trust lies forgotten in a web of deceit, fear, and murder.
My kind of book! I'm looking forward to it!
Check out other mailboxes HERE, maybe you'll find your next favorite book!
Intervention--lucky you. i like Robin Cook a lot!!
You got some really good books and you deserve to do the happy dance. I have Hush Hush and AFter on my radar of books that I want.
Happy reading.
I didn't know Robin Cook has a new book out - I'll be watching for your review.
Hush hush is on my list now, and Circle of souls sure looks good too.
Not to mention Dexter since I love that series
Intervention and After sound great...I received Hush Hush as well.
I've heard Circle of Souls is good.
Happy reading.
I'm jealous of the Dexter book, I'm a huge fan. I hope you enjoy it.
Looks like you have some engrossing reads ahead of you. I, unfortunately, did not find anything in my mailbox last week, but will be getting a healthy does of screenplays soon.
I have come across Circle Of Souls a few times and seems like a wonderful book. And I love the snoopy happy dance :D Enjoy the books!!
You got some great books there! I'm jealous of quite a few of those, lol. I've already read my copy of A Circle of Souls, and it was pretty good. I've posted my review as well.
Hope you like it!
That is really a beautiful cover on Hush Hush.
The Snoopy dance! I have a beagle and yes his name is Snoopy! :D
Intervention....that's great! Don't you just love Robin Cook.
I love your little puppy. What is his/her name?
What great books this week!! Enjoy :)
ooh..I want Hush Hush..can't wait to hear your thoughts:)
Wow, what a week. You have every right to be doing the snoopy happy dance!
Have a great week and enjoy your new books.
You had a great week! Enjoy.
=) Love the Snoopy dance.. You have fun dancing with all those books!! I have not read Robin Cook in many many years!
Hush, Hush and Circle of Souls both sound great!
Oooh, I'm jealous! Great books you've received. I especially want to read Hush, Hush and After!
The Robin Cook book looks really good!
Ooh! Definitely need to read the new Dexter!
Great mailbox. After looks really good.
I am jealous about Intervention and After! I still need to try the Dexter books.
Enjoy your books.
What a great book week! I have started reading After this week and so far it is pretty amazing, I hope you like it! :)
Kelly, I read several of Robin Cook's books years ago. I guess I forgot about him so seeing one of his books in your post reminded me how much I enjoyed his novels. I look forward to hearing what you think of "Intervention". And I've seen "Circle of Souls" in a few other blogs, it looks intriguing and hair-raising! I agree with you about "Twilight", I wasn't a big fan either. I hope "hush, hush" is much better and you and your daughter bond over it!
Thank you for visiting my blog and giving me information on fixing the link I left in my Monday Mailbox post in The Printed Page. And now I have discovered you and your blog which I look forward to reading more!
Thank you again for your help!
Kelly, your advice & directions worked - I used it for "The Printed Page link in my prior comment! Thank you so much!!!
Amy =o)
After looks great, and I love the cover of Hush Hush both are now on my ever expandig bookmooch wishlist!
Terrific week! I haven't read anything by Robin Cook in ages, but his books are always great. I'll have to add this on my TBR list.
Thanks for stopping by Metroreader & have a great week!
I'm jealous of the Dexter one. Enjoy all your new books!
You got some great new books this week!
I've heard a lot of buzz about A CIRCLE OF SOULS, and I love the cover of AFTER.
Enjoy them all!
After is on my radar screen for sure!! Sounds great. I can't believe I haven't read a Dexter book yet...looks creepy and good!! Hush, hushl...wanted to read that one. Hope it's good! Received Circle of souls...can't wait to dig into it..the premise sounds promising!
Great Mailbox!!!
wow.. I didnt' know there was a new Robin Cook book. It has been a while since I read cook. Will be eager to hear what you thing of it. Great mail box.
I just today requested the Robin Cook book for my mother from the library. I hope she's one of the first to get it. The Dexter book I just envy that's simply awesome. I don't know how you managed it but you are so lucky.
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