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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Giveaway!! Intervention by Robin Cook!!

It's time for another giveaway! This time its for a once-read hardcover copy of Robin Cook's brand spankin' new novel: Intervention!

From Fantastic Fiction

It's been more than thirty years since New York City medical examiner Jack Stapleton's college graduation and almost as long since he'd been in touch with former classmates Shawn Doherty and Kevin Murray. Once a highly regarded ophthalmologist, Jack's career took a dramatic turn after a tragic accident that destroyed his family. But that, too, is very much in the past: Jack has remarried - to longtime colleague and fellow medical examiner Laurie Montgomery - and is the father of a young child. But his renegade, activist personality can't rest, and after performing a postmortem on a young college student who had recently been treated by a chiropractor, Jack decides to explore alternative medicine. What makes some people step outside the medical establishment to seek care from practitioners of Eastern philosophies and even faith healers?

Jack's classmate Shawn Doherty is now a renowned archeologist and biblical scholar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, whose taste for good wine and generally deteriorating health are taking a toll on his career. He has recently obtained permission for a final dig beneath Saint Peter's, and despite his long-standing grudge against the Catholic Church, begins his research - which eventually takes him to Jerusalem and Venice - only to make a startling discovery with ecclesiastical and medical implications. And when Kevin Murray, now Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, gets wind of Shawn's findings, he's desperate to keep them from the public. Kevin has strong political ambitions within the Church, but his association with Shawn threatens to undermine them. Kevin turns to his old friend Jack to help protect an explosive secret - one with the power to change lives forever.

To enter this giveaway, please leave me a comment and include an email address or blog address so I can get hold of you when you win.

For an extra entry, blog, tweet or whatever about the giveaway, i.e. "spread the word" about the giveaway and leave a link to the post.

And for yet ANOTHER entry, follow my blog! And if you already do, well then, thank you from the bottom of my lil' heart, and just mention it to me in your comment!

How easy is that three chances to win!!

I'll throw all the entries in a hat and draw out the winners on August 26th..so *Announcers Voice....Enter Early..Tell Your Friends...and Good Luck!! *end Announcers Voice...

(Sorry, the shipping is just too darn high..so US and Canada only. I feel like a big meanie, but overseas shipping is PRICEY!!!)


Missy B. said...

I love Robin Cook! Please enter me in the giveaway.

I am a follower of your blog and will post about your giveaway in my sidebar.



(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

WOW...I am a follow through google reader.

dd DOT bookgoddess AT gmail DOT com

Mozi Esme said...

I would love to read this book!

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Bingo said...

Thank YOU! I haven't read a Robin Cook book in so long and love his work! Please enter me! Thank you so much for the chance.

kdhaney(at) g mail (dot) com

Bingo said...

I am also a follower for one more entry. Who knows, it may help? By the way, your puppy in the corner is ADORABLE!

rhapsodyinbooks said...

Sounds interesting! Please enter me!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I follow your blog on Google Reader.

nbmars AT yahoo DOt com

JJ said...

Hi, I found you at Book Blogs. Thanks.


chey said...

+1 I enjoy Robin Cook and this book sounds amazing! Can't wait to read it!

+1 I follow on Yahoo reader

chey127 at hotmail dot com

Luanne said...

Ohh please enter me! I follow you - email addy on my blog.

thank you!

bermudaonion said...

Please enter me in your great giveaway! I subscribe in Google Reader. milou2ster(at)gmail.com

Unknown said...

Sounds like something that would keep me up half the night to keep reading! Please enter me.

I am also a follower :)


sharon54220 said...

I love Robin Cook. Thanks for the chance.
I am also a follower.


KR said...

I love Robin Cook. Thanks for the giveaway!

I follow.


Cindy said...

This sounds like a great read to me! Please include me in the giveaway.

Thank you!


Cindy said...

I follow your blog on Google.


Cindy said...

I also follow you on Twitter. My username is Soccermom213

I tweet often about your blog and giveaways and will do so again!


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I cannot pass up a good mystery, I am a follower, please count me in.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

KiraR said...

I would like to enter! I am a follower.


Julie P. said...

I've been reading Robin Cook for years and I'd love the chance to win this one!


Nikola said...

Unfortunately, I am not from the US or Canada, so I cannot enter, but I wanted to let you know I love your blog.

nfmgirl said...

Please count me in!

I follow

I blogged it:

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Sue said...

This looks good. Thanks for sharing it.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

mrsshukra said...

I would like to be entered!


mrsshukra said...

I'm a follower!


Sky said...



Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in your draw.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Irene said...

Ooo...sounds like a good book! Please enter my name. Thank you!!

cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com

Irene said...

I follow with Google reader!!
Also by e-mail.

cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com

Becca said...

Please enter me.

I follow on blogger.

I blogged about it here:


Anonymous said...

Haven't read a Robin Cook book in a while...please count me in. thanks.

karen k

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower ;)

karen k

Lori L said...

I'd love to win!

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

I would love to be entered my mother and I are both huge Robin Cook fans. This win would thrill her. jessica(at)fan(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Robin Cook rocks! And so does my sister who reads lots of his books

Unknown said...

Robin Cook is one of my all time favorites.
annarudow @ gmail. com

Belinda M said...

Please include me in your giveaway

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

wheresmyrain said...

been way to long since I have read a Cook, miss the guy

I am a follower


Unknown said...

I haven't read a RObin Cook novel in a long time but I have always enjoyed them! Thanks for the great giveaway!


Unknown said...

I'm a follower of your blog!


Unknown said...

I tweeted about your giveaway!



Suko said...

I'd love to win this book! Thanks! I'm already a follower. : )

Tina said...

I would love to win this one!


Rebecca C said...


Here's my tweet!

Rebecca C said...

Wow, Robin Cook, I haven't read one of his books in ages, and I used to read all of them. Sounds like a good one too.

Rebecca C said...

I am a follower on google reader

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

I am new follower. Love your blog! Thanks also for following me and leaving comments. It's nice to be heard!

My blog http://redheadedbookchild.blogspot.com

I've never read Robin Cook. Gasp! I know.


Irene said...

I would love to win this one!!

I am a Google follower.
Thank you!!

cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
I am also a follower.


CherylS22 said...

Please count me in!
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com

CherylS22 said...

I follow ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com