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Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Finds!

Thanks to MizB for hosting this fun Friday meme!

This weeks find is Chelsea Cain's newest novel, which goes on sale next Tuesday, Sept. 1, Evil at Heart. I finished the book a couple of nights ago, you can see my review on Sunday. It's absolutely the ultimate in suspense thriller awesomeness. To tide you over...here's a trailer from Youtube for the book.

If they ever make a movie out of this, I'm not going to see it. The book trailer freaked me out enough! (I'm terribly inconsistent, I don't have any problem with scary as heck books, but hate scary movies....go figure..)

And check out other Friday Finds here!


gautami tripathy said...

I will check it out!

Friday Find: Mijeong by Byung-Jun Byun

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

What a video. I have to read this one as I've read all the others.

serendipity_viv said...

I haven't heard of this author before, will definitely look out for it.

-.- said...

I've heard great things about Chelsea Cain, but haven't read any of her books. I really want to though, they look fantastic. I'll definitely have to check out Evil at Heart.

~ Popin

bermudaonion said...

You do like the scary ones, don't you!

Literature Crazy said...

I didn't even watch the trailer... that's how much of a baby I am. I don't do scary movies or scary books.