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Monday, August 31, 2009

Evil at Heart by Chelsea Cain--The Fun Stuff!

If my review on Sunday made you just a teeny bit curious...you can read the first couple of chapters HERE!!

And there's a link to a fun website put together for this book...the I Heart Gretchen Lowell site.. great fashion tips, celebrity sightings, and Gretchen's favs for the killer fan those who just must be in the know about all things Gretchen!! Here's where you can find those, "hard to find" items to complete your look...Run Gretchen T's and I'd Kill for some Coffee cups! Christmas is coming!!

(Somebody in Chelsea Cain's life is having waaay too much fun with this website!! But its all for fun...and worth a giggle and a glance!!)

Now if all this really floats your boat, and you're saying to yourself..."self..I want to read this book, but I don't want to go to the bookstore and pick up a copy", then you should check back here on Wednesday when I'll be giving away an ARC of this novel!!


Natalie W said...

Oh i've got to check this out! I loved this book and it looks like Gretchens starting to get quite a fan club hahahaha

I have an award for you!!

Ladytink_534 said...

How cool! Love the Gretchen site!