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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Critter Cam

You've all seen the picture of our dog Cookie. I came across this old photo today and thought I'd share with you how darn little and cute she was as a puppy. This is a picture of her very first night with us, sitting on my son's lap on possibly the ugliest couch on the planet, in April of 2006. She was 8 weeks old here...can I hear an "awwww"? Wasn't she just the cutest????

What about you? I know that Lenore of Presenting Lenore has the beautiful Emmy and gorgeous Finn, what critter do you share your home with? Feel free to post a link here, so we can all see your BFF's (Best Furry Friends)(Yep--your not-so furry friends are welcome too!), after all one (wo)man's critter is another (wo)man's best buddy!


bermudaonion said...

It looks like Cookie's wondering what's she's gotten herself into. I think she's just as cute today. Milou, our Jack Russell Terrier, rules our household.

CJ said...

So, here's a link to a picture of my adorable dog, Riley:

I can't find any of the photos of the cats that I've posted but they're up there somewhere. I have the Siamese mix Max and the DSH Maddie, both of whom excel at driving me bonkers.

I don't know what I'd do without them.


CJ said...

Oh, crude. I forget to say that I do think Cookie was so cute!


Molly said...

I have a "grand puppy" that looks just like your cookie! She is adorable.

I have 3 yellow labs who I consider the loves of my life - after my husband, of course!

DesLily said...

awww too cute! booboo kitty was a year old when he came around the house waiting to be adopted lol..so no kitten pics of him.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Awwwwwwww! Just about the cutest puppy I've ever seen :)

And Emmy and Finn loved the shout-out, thanks!

Darlene said...

Awwwwwwwwwww is right! Totally adorable picture! Cookie reminds me of my dog when he was a baby except he is black in color. I share my dog Buddy's house with him. lol.

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

And I thought your regular picture of this dog was cute. Wow!

My cat Otis is nuts. And since her (yes, Otis is a girl) motto is, "You won't notice Otis," there are no known photos of her.