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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Review: Relentless by Dean Koontz

Cullen “Cubby” Greenwich’s newest novel is a big hit, skyrocketing the charts and everyone loves it. Everyone, that is, but a reclusive, yet renowned critic, Shearman Waxx. Waxx’s critique of the novel is filled with vicious and inaccurate statements, and it bugs Cubby to no end. His wife Penny, a successful author and illustrator of children’s book, tells him to let it go. His brilliant son, Milo, also known as “Spooky”, tells him to let it go. Even his dog, Lassie, seems to be telling him to let it go. But Cubby just really wants to get a look at Waxx, just one quick peek, to see the face of the man whose words can make or break a career. That quick look will trigger the sociopathic Waxx to go after Cubby and his family. Soon the Greenwich’s are running for their lives, certain that Shearman Waxx personifies evil. But they ain’t seen nuthin’ yet, just wait till they meet up with Shearman’s mom, she’ll make Shearman look like your average TV cop show garden variety psycho of the week.

First, a disclaimer, I'm a huge Dean Koontz fan, so it's no surprise that I loved this book! If you've not read any of his books, or its been years since you have, you should pick up a copy. Koontz is the only author I've read that can write a suspenseful, terror filled book that can make you laugh out loud. Only in a Dean Koontz novel, in the midst of terror and fear, do you find descriptive passages in the narration such as this:

“Beyond the service-island overhang, in the windless night, the rain came down in such straight skeins that the rigorous lines should have proved the law of gravity to any disbeliever, of which I’m sure there are multitudes, considering we live in an age of enthusiastic ignorance, when anything well-known for centuries is not only suspect but also considered worthy of being rejected in favor of a new theory more appealing to movie stars and deep-thinking rock musicians.”

Koontz always manages to endear us readers to his protagonists, blending horror and humor, love and fear, loyalty and danger, adding a big dose of compassion and common sense. In short, his characters are not only the people we want to meet and befriend, but also they’re the kind of people we’d like to be. (Cubby and Penny, that is….not Shearman, unless you’re sort of the sociopathic, cuckoo type. Then I guess that old Shearman would be your hero,huh?)

The lightheartedness and humor that Cubby and Penny fill their lives with comes shining through in this story. Filled with fascinating, eccentric, lovable characters, Relentless is aptly named. The Greenwich’s dogged determination to keep their family safe, loved and happy contrasts with Shearman Waxx’s relentless intention to destroy them. And we readers are taken for a thrilling and “relentless” ride.

The book went on sale yesterday, June 9. For cryin’ out loud, why are you sitting there…go get yourself a copy!

My rating:


bermudaonion said...

Some of Koontz's books are too scary for me, but this one sounds like one I would enjoy.

Kate said...

I've never heard of Koontz :S
If I see any of his books around, I'll pick one up.

Becky W. said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that this book is good! It's on my wish list, so I'll get it picked up before too long!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the book review, I have not read a book by him in so long. I will add to my summer reading pile. Have a great week. :)

Melissa O. said...

Do you know, I have never read anything by Dean Koontz? With this review, you've now inspired me to, though. Great review!!

Alexia561 said...

I'm a big Koontz fan as well. Nice to know he's still "got it", as I've already ordered my copy! :) Thanks for the review!

Linna said...

Hi, Kelly. Thank you for visting my blog. That's really something from a blogger like you. I'm very encouraged.

Terra said...

I just read an interview with Koontz, and he says he writes about 4,000 handwritten notes to fans each year.
He does this to answer about 20,000 letters he is sent each year by fans.
Getting a note from him would be something a fan would treasure.
Also he doesn't use email, doesn't do tv interviews and mainly stays home and writes!
Just wanted to share this since I read it only a few minutes ago and then here you are reviewing his book.

Rabid Fox said...

Koontz is hit or miss with me, but this one sounds like it could be a fun read. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. I'm really looking for the third of his "Frankenstein" novels, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Just finished this book. And I say it was great, and I couldn't put it down.....until the end. WHY WHY WHY!! This feels like a cop-out to me. I had a sneaking suspicion what was going to happen at the end, and was dreading it since about page 200 on, hoping that I was wrong....I wasn't, and it RUINED the book.

I also think that bit with the dog is a bit over the top....he already wrote a book about a dog when Trixie died. I won't say anything else to avoid spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read it.

Will I buy the next Koontz Book outside of Frankenstein? Yeah, and I hope the ending won't be as far fetched as their getting.

What did you guys think of the ending of the book? My opinion is it was garbage and a cop-out.

dustin said...

you know (jhempel24) the ending of the book kind of disappointed me too until I read it a second time and did some research. Look into the authors and philosophers (manly those whom koontz qouetes in the book) and you'll see that Koontz is sending a very idealistic message (one that I manly do not agree with) never the less.. it's somewhat amazing what message he is sending through such a fun novel.
also the bit about the dog, yep a little over the top but your statement about the dog... every Koontz book employs a dog, and very intelligent strong willed woman and children. Every one.

dustin said...

mainly (not manly) sorry for the mistype

MarieF said...

I agree with Dustin about how there's always a "wonder" dog, so I expect it. I felt the ending (& resolution) could have taken up 3 more chapters, & esp. could have developed ZAZU's character to make more out of Zazu. Yes, even Shearman - we did not really find out what makes him tick...

I feel its a set up for a series like the "ODD" series, w/the characters repeating.

However, not since "INTENSITY" have I been so riveted AND frightened -- quite graphic & scary in some points - almost too much for me but it Certainly kept my interest.

As for philosophers, etc that Dustin mentioned- I'm not deep enough or interested enough to research all that. Hey!!Thats why I'm reading FicTion!

Teddy3inDC said...

I hope this book rivals 'Taken'. I am reading it now and so far I have enjoyed it thoroughly.

Q said...

very disappointed in the ending. I understand their reasoning to keep the pendulum from returning, but why not just kill the authors, why all the torture? It totally gratuitous.
Ending is by far his weaknest.
I like his books and love the Odd Thomas arc. but Relentless was such a disappointment.