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Monday, May 25, 2009

Giveaway!! A book a day in the month of May!!! Day 25!!

Summer's here! It's Memorial Day! Actually summer hit here in So. Cal a while ago, its been feeling mighty summery for a few weeks. (i.e. HOT!) It's also, coincidentally, my birthday. And since I'm one of those weird folks who really don't mind getting older, because it sure beats the alternative! And because I'm past the big 50 and pushing the big 55, almost..does 52 count as "pushing 55"? I thought it was fitting that today's book be Fifty is Not a Four-Letter Word by Linda Kelsey. You can read my review of this book HERE. I found I really had nothing in common with the main character, she is NOT happy about being 50. And me, I wouldn't be 20 or 30 or even 40 again for anything in the world! Regardless of all that, its a really good book. Sort of chick-lit for grownups!

From Amazon

Hope Lyndhurst-Steele has it all—a wonderful, loving husband; a great son; a job she loves as a magazine editor; and a lovely house in London. After her much-dreaded fiftieth birthday, everything she has come to rely on disappears. She is dismissed from her job and replaced with a younger, smarmier editor; her 18-year-old son starts dating the single mother down the street; and her husband leaves her. No wonder Hope is in a funk. And there is worse news on the horizon. Her mother announces at dinner that she is dying. How we cope with adversity offers great insight into people. Hope’s method is sleep, food, and huge doses of self-pity until she starts to wake up and realize that her life is not over, and that just maybe being 50 is the right place for her to be. Kelsey, a magazine editor herself, creates a witty foray into one woman’s psyche as she accepts her age and proves that there is, indeed, life and adventure after the 50-year milestone.

Each day's giveaway will run for one week, but I'll only send books out once a week, I don't think I have the patience required to hit the post office on a daily basis!

To enter this giveaway, please leave me a comment on this post and include an email address so I can get hold of you when you win, sorry...no email addy and I'll have to draw a different name.

For an extra entry, blog or tweet about the contest and let me know.

And for yet ANOTHER entry, follow my blog! And if you already follow...bless your pea-pickin' lil' heart, just say so in your comment and you get the extra entry! (Yes, I am, in fact shameless!)

How easy is that three chances to win!! Worldwide entries are welcome!

This giveaway ends on June 1st, when I'll draw the lucky winner.

Since I'm sending this one out myself, its open to anyone who wants to enter! And don't forget to scroll down and check out the other giveaways! Or you can find a list of all of them by clicking HERE!


Cindy said...


I am also one of those 50 something year old moms, and I too do not feel old! I would so love to win a copy of this book! It sounds like a perfect one to read this summer.

Please enter me in the giveaway!


Cindy said...

I am a follower of your blog and I enjoy reading it!

Happy Birthday again! I hope you have a great day, Kelly!


Mary (Bookfan) said...

1. Please enter me in this giveaway!

2. I blogged about it in my sidebar

3. I'm a follower :)

meah56 at gmail dot com

traveler said...

What a delightful giveaway. Thanks for this chance. Loved your review and I am past fifty and would enjoy this story. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

KR said...

I'm 52 and lovin' it but I'd still like to read the book!


KR said...

I tweeted http://twitter.com/sumrthyme/status/1912733504 and

I follow.


Kaye said...

Well, a big birthday wish to you youngster. I'm a decade ahead of you and I wouldn't go backwards for anything either. Please enter me in the drawing. Chick lit for adults sounds good even if I am more in the almost elderly camp. florida982002[at]yahoo[dot]com

Minding Spot said...

Please enter me ! :)

I follow.

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

scottsgal said...

Would love to read this - Happy Birthday - I'm not 50 but starting to close in. Each decade gets better.

msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

Also a follower - enjoy your blog very much

msboatgal at aol.com

Llehn said...

Happy birthday Kelly!

I would love, love, love to read this book! I'm a follower.


Capital Mom said...

This sounds like a good read.

edeliz said...

Please enter this fifty-one yr.-old lady in the contest.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Happy Birthday! :):)

lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net

Unknown said...

50 is the new 30... Happy Birthday!!

Unknown said...

I follow with google reader.

holdenj said...

Please enter me too!

JHolden955 (at) gmail(dot) com


Belinda M said...

Please enter me in the giveaway and I also follow your blog

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Libby's Library said...

I'm 53, and often have to remind myself that I'm not 103. Then, every now and then, I feel pretty darn good!

Please enter me...thanks.


Darlene said...

Well the big 50 is getting awfully close-lol. I'd love to enter for this one and I already follow.

bj19662001 (at) yahoo (dot) ca

Debbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gaby317 said...

count me in please!

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Gaby317 said...

I'm a follower too

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Gaby317 said...

i've posted a link to your contest on my blog's sideroll


gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Debbie said...

I'm breathing down the neck of fifty so bring it on!

lmv said...

Fifty and over is great. Thanks for this feature. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

L said...

Enter me please!

I'm a follower.


Toni said...

I follow.. I'd like a chance to win this one. tonigomez (at) surewest (dot) net

Thank you.. awesome job on your May Giveaways.. I don't know how you are doing it!!!!!!

buddyt said...

From your brief review, it doesn't sound like a book I would like !

However maybe I should make up my own mind about it but not to the extent of spending money on it !

Please enter me in the giveaway.



buddytho[AT] gmail {DOT} com

babygirlG said...

I would love to be included in this giveaway please! Thanks.

I'm a follower.


Aik said...

Please count me in! Thanks!


Aik said...


Jem said...

I am a follower.

Email: jerandjem@gmail.com

Rebecca Cox said...

Boy, you are right, 50 is not a 4 letter word, neither is 55. Love to win, subscribe to your blog, tweet at ccqdesigns about it.

Marie said...

I should really read this one soon, it looks very good!


Linna said...

although 50 is way too far for me, i would love to read this one.

linna.hsu (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this one!

Anonymous said...

I follow you

Anonymous said...

I blogged these giveaways

Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I would love to be entered--thanks!


mindy said...

although i disagree with the title this book looks great thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

Anonymous said...

At 51, I find this all easy to relate to! I'm already a follower. Thanks!

Alicia said...

Sounds like an interesting read.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Hi and Happy Birthday Kelly!!!! I'll be 52 in August and I know where you're coming from - other than the aches and pains, I think getting older is kinda funny - when I look in the mirror and I'm only 21 inside!
Hope you have the best birthday cake ever ! :)

Linna said...

i follow. : )

linna.hsu (at) gmail (dot) com

Mary said...

Being 50, I can relate! Please enter me.


Liyana said...

Count me in, I'm a follower. :D


Nicole C. said...

I would love to read this!!


LittleEagle said...

Perfect, since I'm pushing 56. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Hi. Oh please count me in. Yes I'm past 50 and I too would love to be back in the 30's again. Wishful thinking you know. Merci
polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail Dot com

Heather S said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you! Mine was on the 29th!! But I turned 19!! Thanks for the giveaway

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Heather S said...

and I'm a follower!!

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Renee G said...

Would love to read this. rsgrandinetti@yahoo(dot)com

ABCD Diaries said...

Thanks for the chance:)

afineday said...

This sounds like it's an inspirational read. Thanks for the chance to win it!


afineday said...

I subscribed


Janet said...

I'm still in my 40's but I will give it a try. lol

gahome2mom at gmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said...

Looks great! My e-mail address is in my Blogger profile. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm a follower!