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Friday, April 24, 2009

Pneumonia's a bitch

I've been silent of late, and haven't even felt like reading other blogs. Nope, I haven't fallen into another dimension, I just came down with an unexpected case of pneumonia last Saturday. It's a weird one, no cough or congestion, just fever and the Mother of all back pain. I couldn't believe it when the urgent care doc said it was pneumonia! In fact, I was so sure that the young "Doogie Howser" was wrong that I went and visited my own doc the following Monday. Huh...son of a gun...I have pneumonia. Aside from feeling like I got hit by a Mack Truck, I'm on the road to recovery though.

I still don't feel much like any computer time, but I'm feeling bad that I'm not doing any online participation, so I figured maybe an explanation of sorts, might placate my guilt.

I thought I'd get lots of reading done, but I'm just dragging there too. It seems like all I do is sleep, stare into space and when that tuckers me out...sleep some more! What a bum I've become!

Y'all have a good weekend..I'm gonna go take a nap.....


Kate said...

Pneumonia? Doesn't sound great. Its got the word moan in it, if you rearrange the letters, and minus a few. I hope you feel better soon. Enjoy the sleep. Sleep is the best :D

bermudaonion said...

That just stinks! I hope you're back to normal soon.

lola1116 said...

Feel better Auntie!! Let me know if you need anything.

Pissenlit said...

Oh boy, hope you feel better soon! I had pneumonia fifteen years ago and all I remember was being horizontal and feeling half-dead...when I was conscious, that is. :P

CJ said...

Listen, 'bum', all that sleep is exactly what you need. Go with it and get better!


DesLily said...

Pneumonia is nothing to fool around with... take care of yourself... the blogs will be here when you are better

Bookfool said...

Oh, no! Sorry you're sick. Take care and get lots of sleep and fluids. We'll be here when you're better!

Forgetful Librarian said...

Hope your back to reading and feeling better very soon! Rest is the best for now.

Lisa Roe said...

Ugh! This sounds awful! I hope you feel better real soon, fully recover, and are up and butt kicking again! :-)