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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wonderous Words!

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Kathy at bermudaonion where we share new (to us) words that we’ve encountered in our reading. Feel free to join in the fun!

Today's words all come from Big Sid's Vincati.

“Once inside the factory, he was cordially welcomed by Paul Richardson, the work’s technical boffin.”

Boffin-British slang for a scientist or technical expert.

“Sid knelt and mutely administered the needed dose of spanner work”

Spanner—British once again, it means wrench.

“He reached for his pocket screwdriver and wrench and began to circle the bike, fettling. He let in a little more air in one cylinder, lowered the slide on the other.”

Fettling—usually a term with regards to metallurgy, in this case, it means “tinkering” or “adjusting”.

What new words have you discovered lately?

Check out Kathy's blog for additional posts!


bermudaonion said...

Thanks for playing along! I might be able to remember one of those words long enough to use it.

avisannschild said...

Great new words! I wasn't familiar with any of them.

My WWW post is here.

Margot said...

I like your words today. I noticed that your words gave me a real good flavor for the book.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Ha! I learn spanner wrench from one of my translation jobs!

Ruth King said...

I was familiar with boffin and spanner (I watch far too much British television) but fettling was completely new to me!