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Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Fill-In #114, but my first one!

1. "Having two different people go ahead of me in the grocery store check-out line" was my last random act of kindness.

2. Another place "would be different from here".

3. "Believe" in matters of the heart.

4. Coffee, tea or "me, of course!!"

5. "Try" separate paths; "you might end up somewhere unexpected".

6. Our "world" reminds me that there is "a need for a sense of humor".

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to "finish a good book", tomorrow my plans include "maybe go to San Diego" and Sunday, "I want to not be pooped out by the stupid time change"!

Check out other folks who played along this week by clicking here


Lenore Appelhans said...

Oh no, is the time change this weekend?

-.- said...

I hope you finish a good book, I need to do that as well. :) And I agree, the world needs a sense of humour.

~ Popin

CJ said...

Great list and welcome to the fill-ins crowd. I play whenever I remember that it's Friday!

Also, thanks for your comment over at my An Angry American blog. I do also have a book blog, My Years of Reading Seriously (www.cjreading.blogspot.com) I'd love to have you drop by there. I've added you to my blog roll... but now, of course, I'll have to go and change it.

As an aside, the other Bookfool wouldn't have cared much about sharing the name. She's a real doll. But, I like the new name, too.
