Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult (review to follow)
I just finished Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult. Don't waste another second reading this, get yourself over to Amazon and get this book pre-ordered. Do whatever it takes so you can have it in your hands when it comes out next Tuesday. Camp out Monday night at Costco, sleep in the parking lot of Barnes and Noble, stand on a freeway on-ramp with a sign reading, "Will Work for Handle With Care". Whatever it takes....
This book is just...extraordinary. I promise I'll write a review, I just have to let it percolate a little bit. Its harder to write a review when you know in your heart that nothing you say can come close to what the book itself says.
Have you read other of her works? Is this much better, then? I was really rather underwhelmed by her last book, I must say.
Hi Jen--Yes, I've read a lot of hers, and really haven't been all that crazy about the last couple. My Sister's Keeper was my all time favorite Picoult novel, it got me started on her. The newest one, at least to me, is every bit as good as that one. The best in a long time.
Hope you enjoy it!
Great! "My Sister's Keeper" is the book that got me hooked on her too and I couldn't really tell if her work had fallen off or if I was just burned out on her. I guess I may have to try this one after all!
I agree. I thought this was an incredibly thought-provoking novel! Just posted my review, if you're interested.
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