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Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Little Giant of Aberdeen Country by Tiffany Baker

From Amazon

In an upstate New York backwater, Truly, massive from birth, has a bleak existence with her depressed father and her china-doll–like sister, Serena Jane. Truly grows at an astonishing rate—her girth the result of a pituitary gland problem—and after her father dies when Truly is 12, Truly is sloughed off to the Dyersons, a hapless farming family. Her outsize kindness surfaces as she befriends the Dyersons' outcast daughter, Amelia, and later leaves her beloved Dyerson farm to take care of Serena Jane's husband and son after Serena Jane leaves them. Haunting the margins of Truly's story is that of Tabitha Dyerson, a rumored witch whose secrets afford a breathtaking role reversal for Truly. It's got all the earmarks of a hit—infectious and lovable narrator, a dash of magic, an impressive sweep and a heartrending but not treacly family drama. It'll be a shame if this doesn't race up the bestseller lists. (Jan.)

Like most people, I really enjoyed The Little Giant of Aberdeen County. Its quite easy to empathize with Truly Plaice, we all feel out of place, alone and awkward. I'm having trouble writing much about this book. The plot, the cast of characters and the setting are so richly layered and so complex, I just can't seem to describe it adequately. Which is why I cheated and posted Amazon's description!I will admit that I liked the book more in the beginning. Truly seemed a happier person, more forgiving of herself and others. Nearer the end, her anger at her circumstances changed the flavor of the book a bit, but it rang true nonetheless. But I sort of missed the more mellow Truly.

I really look forward to more books by Tiffany Baker. She has a real gift for good storytelling.

My rating:


bermudaonion said...

The cover of this book really appeals to me - I can't wait to read it.