Tuesday Thingers and stuff
The Boston Bibliophile asks, "What cataloging sources do you use most? Any particular reason? Any idiosyncratic choices, or foreign sources, or sources you like better than others? Are you able to find most things through LibraryThings's almost 700 sources?"
I use mostly Amazon, my tastes in literature are really pretty mainstream, and I seldom have any difficulty in finding what I need there. I think there has been only one book that I couldn't find using LT's sources and for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.
I'm hosting a gaggle of cheerleaders this afternoon. We went to the team party yesterday and the girls all made t-shirts to wear at camp. The time frame was a tad optimistic though and only about half got done. So....I guess some girls are coming by this afternoon to paint shirts. Do I know how to paint shirts? Oh hell no....guess I'll learn. *smacks forehead...sheesh...I'm a "cheer" mom......
Good luck with the shirt painting thing. Hopefully the girls will know how to do it, so you can just supervise.
Sounds like you have a fun afternoon planned!
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