Say Goodbye by Lisa Gardner
There are so many different adjectives to be used in describing Lisa Gardner’s newest novel, Say Goodbye. Scary, creepy, intense, suspenseful; choose any of them, or choose them all. Say Goodbye follows FBI agent Kimberly Quincy, 5 months pregnant as she is drawn into the web of a spider obsessed serial killer. Not your average everyday garden variety murderer, this killer has been shaped and formed since childhood in circumstances that fill the reader with fear and have you double checking your locks and closing your child’s window every night.
In writing a series of novels with the same character, it is sometimes difficult to keep the readers interest. We feel sometimes as if we know the character almost too well. Lisa Gardner has made a smooth and seamless transition in her novels from featuring FBI agent Pierce Quincy as the main character. Allowing this character to step out of the spotlight and making his daughter, Kimberly the main character allows the author to change things up, but still gives frequent readers a comfort zone. We feel comfortable with both of the Quincy’s, father and daughter, and can empathize with the struggles they go through in their personal lives.
Say Goodbye is a gem of a suspense novel, one of those “ I’m just going to read three more pages, then I’ve gotta get to bed” books. Then, you look at the clock and realize an hour has passed and you wonder exactly how much sleep you really need to get through tomorrow, because you want to keep reading.
I thought this one sounded good. Thanks for your review! I'll have to add this to my TBR list.
I love suspense novels and can't believe I'm not familiar with this author. I will be adding her to my list of authors to check out.
Oh, by the way, how did the shirt painting go?
It was fun, so far most of these girls are pretty sweet kids, I've met a couple that are sort of the stereotypical high school cheerleader types, (you know, sorta snotty lil princesses) but most of them are nice girls.
I'm relieved..if my little munchkin turns into a snotty lil princess, I'd have to sit on her and smush her into a puddle....
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